WI Tech Month Kick-Off Fueled by Funky Fresh Spring Rolls and Community Partnerships

WI Tech Month Kick-Off Fueled by Funky Fresh Spring Rolls and Community Partnerships

Governor Evers has proclaimed October as WI Tech Month in the state of Wisconsin. WI Tech Month is being presented by the Milky Way Tech Hub and Wisconsin Voices.

WI Tech Month Kick-Off shindig will be hosted at On The Bayou on October 1st at 5 pm. Attendees will have the chance to network, learn about the amazing events happening across the state, and how to become more involved with the Milky Way Tech Hub. Free t-shirts will be shared throughout the event as well.

Milky Way Tech Hub has partnered with Funky Fresh Spring Rolls to offer 2 free spring rolls to customers in honor of WI Tech Month!

More than 20 events have been coordinated around the state. Eau Claire, Beloit, Milwaukee, Madison, Platteville, and Kenosha are among the many participating cities. The month will kick off with Milwaukee Tech Advocacy Week (October 1st-10th). This will be a week of civic tech events that aim to equip the general public with the tools and knowledge necessary to find their voices in technology through advocacy, policy, and legislation. The week’s events will lead up to Lobby Day at the Wisconsin State Capitol building on October 8th.

Features events of WI Tech Month include:

October 2nd – NASA Space Apps Challenge -Milwaukee

October 8th – MKE Tech Lobby Day – Milwaukee

October 13th Smart Cities Design Thinking Workshop – Kenosha

October 14th WiSys Venture Home Technology Showcase -Platteville

October 15th Using Data Wisely to Help Communities of Color: What You Need to Know -Milwaukee

October 19th Tech Connect – Beloit

Events are now open for registration. For a growing list of events visit:


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