Tanzania Sewell Educates Milwaukee Youth with her Beyond STEM Program

Tanzania Sewell Educates Milwaukee Youth with her Beyond STEM Program

In her earlier years Tanzania Sewell set out to be a neural surgeon. Over time she came to the realization that as a physician her abilities to treat patients would be limited to the technology that was in reach. Technology began to spark a curiosity that set her career down a path of electrical engineering.

She is currently a lead electrical engineer at GE Healthcare. Outside of her career as an engineer she works to inspire the next generation of leaders in tech. She currently shares her industry experience in the classroom as an adjunct assistant professor at MSOE in the Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Department.

Her passion to educate people in STEM is a testament to what can happen when people are exposed to career paths in STEM and are afforded opportunities to excel in the industry. Sewell continues to pay it forward by helping address the disparities in STEM fields through her program Beyond STEM.

Beyond STEM is a six week hands-on program that introduces ~40 middle school students to a multitude of STEM concepts. In the future Tanzania hopes the program will evolve to provide more in-depth opportunities for students to explore different careers in STEM.

“We seek to provide role models who are succeeding in STEM fields and break the stereotypes that our country and our culture has when it comes to folks in STEM” – Tanania Sewell on Beyond STEM

Today Beyond STEM held its closing celebration to wrap up this years session. Students and parents gathered to celebrate the student’s accomplishments and had the opportunity to listen to a panel of industry professionals share their STEM journeys(pictured below).

Industry professionals share their STEM story with participants of Beyond STEM.

Tanzania Sewell and her program Beyond STEM truly embodies the mission of The Milky Way Tech Hub. By inspiring the future leaders in tech, Beyond STEM is helping Milwaukee’s Tech Scene to be more representative of its population!

Listen to the interview of Tanzania Sewell on our podcast Down to Mars to learn more about her efforts in educating the youth in Milwaukee!

To learn more about the program contact Tanzania at beyondstemmke@gmail.com and give them a follow on instagram @beyondStemMKE

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